Complain about a charity
Complain to the charity directly unless you suspect illegal activity, like terrorism or abuse.
Contact the police on 101 if you suspect illegal activity.
If you are not happy with how the charity deals with your complaint, contact the relevant regulator.
Fundraising complaints
Contact the Fundraising Regulator to complain about:
- the way you’ve been asked for donations
- how fundraisers have behaved
You can also complain on behalf of someone else.
Advertising complaints
Contact the Advertising Standards Authority to complain about:
- an advertising campaign you think is offensive, deceptive or inaccurate
- the amount of emails or mail you get from a charity
You can change how often you get emails, phone calls, texts or post from a charity using the Fundraising Preference Service.
Other serious complaints
Complain to the Charity Commission if a charity is, for example:
- not doing what it claims to do
- losing lots of money
- harming people
- being used for personal profit or gain
- involved in illegal activity
Make a serious complaint about a charity.
There is a different process for reporting serious concerns about charities in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
If you’re a trustee or auditor
You can:
- report serious concerns to the Charity Commission if you’re a trustee
- report a concern if you’re an auditor
If you’re a charity employee or volunteer
Read how to report serious wrongdoing at a charity you work for.
There’s a different process for trustees, employees and volunteers of charities in Scotland and Northern Ireland.